The Trenches
The Suits
🤨 What's going on???
The trenches are under attack.
Burwick law firm has opened a case against
They want to extract $500M through their lawsuit (yeah lol).
They claim tokens and memes are securities.
They say the trenches are a joke.
We must stand together. United we are strong.

it's us versus the suits, pick a side

✊ How to fight back???

The suits are kinda dumb.
They left us the perfect weapon.
They launched their own shitcoin to prove that anyone could do it.
See exhibit C in court docs for their screenshots of creating token.
Our plan is simple. We will buy their coin.
Their case has no base if their own coin is at 1B during court.
Fuck censorship. This is about sending a message.
This is cryptos gamestop moment.


they even made the ticker a perfect meme

see you at 1B brrrwick